Oh wow, do I feel like I've been neglecting you! Things here have been incredibly busy for the last month. Plus, I've realized that whenever I sit down at the computer, there goes an hour, minimum! I will try to catch you up on some of the things we've been doing since I last wrote, with posts to follow in the next couple of days with projects and recipes we've worked on recently.
School for Brianna and Brittany ended on June 3, so there was the flurry of end-of-the-year activities surrounding that. Somehow, the last week of school always feels the most frantic to me, but I'm sure, when school starts back up in six weeks, my perspective will change. Come July 27, for the first time ever, I will have 4 girls in school. That's right, the twins start kindergarten, which has been the prompt for a whole host of activities.
Abby and Emma, for various reasons, have never attended preschool. So, we are working on "catching up" on some of the things they would've learned had then gone. I haven't taken pictures yet, but I have letter charts hanging on our pantry door, so they can see them when we practice writing. I've got "homework" books, covering letters, numbers, math, reading, etc., that we work on a couple of times a week.
We joined a fantastic program at the library. They sponsor a summer reading game, and have versions for all ages, so Madison and I are participating too. For Abby, Emma, and Katie, every 20 minutes they spend reading/being read too, they get to circle a picture of a boat on their chart. There are a total of 45 boats, with a halfway point designated at boat 23. We have circled 22, and we only started the program on June 7. At the halfway and completion points, they get prizes. Maddie's chart has 16 pictures of bubbles. For every activity done with her (nursery rhymes, picture books, clapping games), she gets to circle a bubble, and will get a board book at the end. I get to read books and write a review for a chance to win either tickets to a reperatory theater or gift cards for restaurants. Lots of fun, plus it gives us a definite reason to leave the house once a week...no small feat!
Don was away the first weekend in June for the Safeway Invitational Golf Tournament in Monterey, so I took advantage of his absence to do a REALLY messy project with the girls. We made "treasure bowls" for their dressers, to catch the little bits of things that always seem to be on the floor...barrettes, rings, stickers...you get the picture.
Last week, Don took the week off from work, to stay home with Madison, while I volunteered at Vacation Bible School. Our church, which we joined last June, does a great VBS. As a matter of fact, it was "Crocodile Dock" last year that helped us find this church. This year's theme was "High Seas Expedition". They do a really incredible set in the sanctuary for the openings and closings each day, which everyone attends. I wish I had pictures to show you, but just couldn't manage a camera and my group at the same time.
Each day is a different message, presented by a different animal friend. The messages were "God's word is true.", "God's word is comforting.", "God's word is surprising.", "God's word is life changing.", and "God's word is for everyone.". Each time the kids heard one of these phrases, they were supposed to respond with a shout of "Let's go!" There were lots of catch songs, too, and I've got a copy of the CD on the way.
Anyway, I requested that Abby, Emma, and Katie be placed in different groups, in an attempted to pave the way for the school year, when they will all be split up. I was the crew leader for yet another group. On the preschool side, there were a total of 10 groups. (There were over 230 kids participating in the entire program.) Abby and Emma did great...each made new friends, and enjoyed waving to each other throughout the day. Katie wasn't quite as happy, especially when she saw me with other kids. And having me there just confused them all for the first 2 days. (On Monday, I would mention a song, or the snack or craft, and everyone would ask, "How do YOU know about that?". On Tuesday, as we pulled into the parking lot, they asked if I was dropping them off.)
As a crew leader, I had a group of 8 kids assigned to me, but wound up only having 6 all week. All were 5 years old, and entering kindergarten, and were, for the most part, great kids. I had 3 boys and 3 girls, and my main task was to shuffle them from group to group. There was a meeting point for us, then we went to the sanctuary for the opening. From there, we went to Snack, Story Time, Theater (for a DVD story), Outside Play, Craft Time, and back to the sanctuary for closing. When I first volunteered, I was wondering how hard it could be. By Friday afternoon, I was questioning whether or not I would help again next year, but I'm sure I will!
Since Don was home, we decided to take the kids on some family adventures. Unfortunately, Brianna and Brittany were with their dad for the week, so they didn't get to participate. Among the things we did were to go to the Jelly Belly factory. I was hoping the kids would get to SEE them make the candy, not just the video monitors, but the production line was closed, as it was when we went in February. I will check their production schedule next time! But, we did have a nice picnic lunch there. The next day, we took them to a local orchard to do some cherry picking, and then came home and made ice cream. Vanilla the first day, but the next day, we made sweet cream with cherries and chocolate chips. Yummy! We took Friday off, but on Saturday, took the kids to Mount Diablo State Park.
Mount Diablo is a mountain that we can see from our house. It has an elevation of over 3800 feet, and I'd never been there. Plus, it has campsites available, and we are kicking around the idea of camping this year, so we thought we'd go investigate. It turns out, you can drive all the way to the summit, so we did.
Emma and Katie:
Next, it was time to explore a little. Very, very little. Pretty much just the immediate area. This state park is over 20,000 acres, and we mostly just drove the roads, checking out what was there. But we did wander around the area around where our lunch was.
Don, Maddie, and Emma, on the walk back.
The three girls, happy with each other:
Here are some random pictures of Emma, Katie, and Brittany, helping out around the house:
That, in a nutshell, are the highlights of our last few weeks. I hope you had some fun adventures too! There will be more posts in the near future, I promise! On that note, one final picture, that sums up the crazy business around here lately:
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